
Protocol for Responding to Suspected Sexual Abuse of Students

十大网赌平台推荐学校通过培养支持性和教育环境,优先考虑学生的安全和福祉. 正规赌博十大平台排行希望正规赌博十大平台排行的学生了解,如果有学生透露自己是性侵的受害者,十大网赌平台推荐会如何回应:

If you or another student has been the victim of 性ual abuse, we encour年龄 you to consider telling someone at the school. Our aim is to offer support and guidance about ‘next steps,回答任何问题, 并确保正规赌博十大平台排行尽一切可能为所有学生创造一个安全的环境.

We know that disclosing such sensitive information can be difficult, 因此,正规赌博十大平台排行制作了以下指南,以帮助解释当学生披露性虐待时会发生什么. While this guide is created with the intent of being as encompassing as possible, 每种情况都有其独特的情况,因此可能需要作出与下文略有不同或完全不同的回应. Regardless of the circumstances, 然而, 正规赌博十大平台排行的目标是授权和支持那些报告或关心他人的学生. 正规赌博十大平台排行将尽正规赌博十大平台排行所能保持整个过程对所有相关方透明.

性虐待包括性侵犯、性侵犯未遂或性剥削. 十大网赌平台推荐在其学生手册中有单独的政策,规定了处理欺凌和骚扰学生的程序,这些欺凌和骚扰不会上升到性虐待的程度.

许多十大网赌平台推荐性虐待的讨论反映了异性恋的规范概念,并不一定包括LGBTQ+社区中十大网赌平台推荐性行为不端的语言. The 十大网赌平台推荐学校 prioritizes the safety and well-being of 所有 学生和认识到不当性行为并不局限于异性交往. 在本协议中,正规赌博十大平台排行将使用代词“they”来避免异规范的刻板印象.

Step 1: 揭露性侵犯 to Branson

  • 如果一名学生遭受过性侵犯或知道其他学生遭受过性侵犯, the student may disclose the 性ual abuse to an employee of their choice.
  • 学生们没有义务向十大网赌平台推荐的员工透露超出自己意愿的信息,而且在透露信息时,总是允许有朋友或家人在场.

Step 2: Branson’s Response to Disclosure

  • When a Branson employee receives a report of 性ual abuse of a Branson student, that employee will help the student find support and resources. 这样做, the Branson employee may contact the School Counselor, Dean of Student Life and/or the Head of School for assistance.
  • Branson will keep the student’s disclosure as confidential as possible, 除非有必要为学生提供支持或履行报告未成年人性虐待的法律义务. If the person who 性u所有y abused the student is another Branson student, 十大网赌平台推荐可能需要进行调查,以解决违反十大网赌平台推荐行为政策的问题.

Step 3: Mandated Reporting

  • If a student who is a minor discloses 性ual abuse to a Branson employee, 十大网赌平台推荐的员工将有责任打电话给执法部门或儿童保护服务机构报告性侵犯事件, because 所有 employees of Branson are “mandated reporters.作为授权记者, Branson employees are required to report suspected neglect or abuse of a minor, 包括性虐待. 当记者有足够的信息合理地怀疑可能发生了虐待行为时,被授权的记者必须向有关机构报告涉嫌虐待行为, gener所有y on the same day a student makes a disclosure. If more than one mandated reporter at the school is aware of suspected abuse, only one report must be made.
  • Once a mandated reporter has reported 性ual abuse, 该机构(而不是十大网赌平台推荐)将决定是否进行调查. If an 年龄ncy conducts an investigation, a representative of the 年龄ncy may want to speak directly to the student(s) involved. 有时这可能发生在学校,学生的家,或在机构所在地. If the 年龄ncy interviews a student on campus, 学生可能有权让十大网赌平台推荐的员工或家庭成员在场支持.
  • 根据加州法律, mandated reports are confidential, so Branson may not be able to share information about the report, even to the student’s family. 在某些情况下, 调查机构不希望披露有关报告的信息,因为这可能会干扰其进行调查的能力.
  • 在某些情况下,学生可能想自己向执法部门报告性侵犯. Branson will support a student in doing so, and if the student prefers, a Branson employee may be present when the student reports.

Step 4: Action Within Branson

  • 学校致力于为学生提供支持,并鼓励学生和家庭通过学校辅导员或十大网赌平台推荐以外的选择寻求咨询.
  • If a student reports that another Branson student was involved in the 性ual abuse, 学校将按照纪律政策处理其他学生的行为. 在机构调查正在进行时,十大网赌平台推荐可能无法进行纪律调查,因为这样做可能会影响机构的调查或干涉其他学生的权利. 这可能会推迟十大网赌平台推荐是否应该施加纪律处分的决定.
  • Until a decision is made as to whether disciplinary consequences should be imposed, 十大网赌平台推荐可能会采取临时措施,以确保所涉及的学生的学习环境不受影响. Interim measures may include, 但不限于, adjusting students’ course schedule to minimize their contact with each other.


Content of this p年龄 last updated: September 1, 2023


Local and national resources for survivors of 性ual abuse or assault

Branson 工作人员 and Personnel



  • 强奸、虐待 & Incest National Network (RAINN): 瑞恩.org
  • National Sexual Assault Hotline: 800-656-4673
  • National Sexual Violence Resource Center: www.nsvrc.org
  • Information on male 性ual abuse: malesurvivor.org